twenty-two dark
Earwicker Pub Crawl - 22:00 to 23:00 PlayList - hints and allegations of meaning/arrangement by RoundSparrow
Hints and allegations for playlist at:
Immersion in Night
Taylor Swift - 22
22 hour
"perfect night", night hours Finnegans Wake
"make fun of our exes" - ex MonoMyth patterns, the confined - once more into the breach of Romans 11:32 to Expanding MonoMyth
"everything will be all right" foreboding of hard times ahead in next 2 hours.
"it seems like one of those nights" - we are breaking the mold
"we ditch the whole scene" - breaking mold again, repeating this theme
"and end of dreaming" - Public Dream, Finnegans Wake is Dream of Night
"it's miserable and magical" - the FULL monomyth, Hell to Heaven Marriage.
"you do not know about me" - i'm ahead in the new monomyth, which you will learn to expand with me and understand me.
"one of those nights" - iteration, not the ONLY night, it's repeat recirculation iterations of Finnegans Wake
"I gotta have you" lyrics - your participation with this song, dance, song and dance, with this MonoMyth opera.
Video framing is old format film - media themes of generations of media - War and Peace Global Village 1968++ generations themes.
1 minute 30 seconds into video, they lay on the ground - I want this visual theme to carry over to the Eclipse in Vanessa Carlton "Ordinary Day"visual theme of a crowd sleeping in daytime and the Eclipse awakens them (Finnegans Wake, Night Hours / Awakening). Cross-track cross-playlist pointer.
Taylor Swift is clearly "reeling in the years" (Steely Dan song) and "hey 19" to herself, dancing
"you look like bad news" - turning bad news into good news through participation / flash mob / WWWOpera sharing of Finnegans Wake 1927+ onward publication of art interpretation experience waves.
Dunk into the water at end of video - Fleetwod Mac Dreams metaphor of water cleaning.
Steely Dan's Pop Culture DNA
previous track by Taylor Swift mentioned hipsters
there are DNA references in Steely Dan lyrics, "double helix in the sky tonight", oganic "throw out the hardwaere" of the Steely Dan steam-powered.
James Joyce set down the DNA of the Levant MonoMyth and expanded greatly upon it in his work.
Katy Perry's religious upbringing and the future she wants for her daughter | 60 Minutes Australia
Establish Bible teaching parents
I love my parents so much, incredible beautiful people
Katy Perry - I Kissed A Girl (Official Music Video)
Previous track parents disclosure of her preacher parents
Romans 11:32 abounds
"it felt so wrong, it felt so right" paradox Middle Path. Campbell, age 81: "There's a very interesting statement about the origin of the Grail. One early writer says that the Grail was brought from heaven by the neutral angels. You see, during the war in heaven between God and Satan, between good and evil, some angelic hosts sided with Satan and some with God. The Grail was brought down through the middle by the neutral angels. It represents that spiritual path that is between pairs of opposites, between fear and desire, between good and evil. The theme of the Grail romance is that the land, the country, the whole territory of concern has been laid waste. It is called a wasteland. And what is the nature of the wasteland? It is a land where everybody is living an inauthentic life, doing as other people do, doing as you're told, with no courage for your own life. That is the wasteland.
much more
Adele: Rolling In The Deep
Many lyrics here to associate
21 album name, step back to 21 hour in mind. Fracture 22 hour for a pull forward of 21 hour learning.
is this track also under different YouTube elsewhere?
"no story be told" -
Inside a crew cabin in Cargo Ship Swaying During Rough Seas
Opening sentence Finnegans Wake, betwen rivers, salt to freshwater
Orinoco Flow
music abrupt mood change
The Good Place Song | Pobody’s Nerfect | Whitney Avalon
God isn't human, pain free
Evolved beyond
"Fork with you" is Fuck, but also Unix Fork metaphor intended in WWW Opera
"I will reboot and fork with you" - another computer teaching metaphor
previous throwing around in previous
Want audience to watch Good Place series, great teaching in that show
Female goddess symbol here, away from Bible male god metaphors
Campbell, age 81: "I have had a revelation from my computer about mythology. You buy a certain software, and there is a whole set of signals that lead to the achievement of your aim. If you begin fooling around with signals that belong to another system of software, they just won't work. Similarly, in mythology -- if you have a mythology in which the metaphor for the mystery is the father, you are going to have a different set of signals from what you would have if the metaphor for the wisdom and mystery of the world were the mother. And they are two perfectly good metaphors. Neither one is a fact. These are metaphors. It is as though the universe were my father. It is as though the universe were my mother. Jesus says, "No one gets to the father but by me." The father that he was talking about was the biblical father. It might be that you can get to the father only by way of Jesus. On the other hand, suppose you are going by way of the mother. There you might prefer Kali, and the hymns to the goddess, and so forth. That is simply another way to get to the mystery of your life. You must understand that each religion is a kind of software that has its own set of signals and will work."
"like a god" lyrics
"I could like something totally true" - she can Romans 11:32 lie, free will.
Bridge City Sinners - "Song of the Siren" // Live Video Session
Sin band name, Romans 11:32
On seas still on this LSD trip of FInnegans Wake ( )
"run for your lives" lyrics
"everyone dies" lyrics - the coming up instance of midnight entrance foreboding
Janet in previous track is a goddess singing siren songs in The Good Place
"the end is near" - lyrics, 22:00 hour to 23:59.999999999
violent abrub jarring song with track of sea waves inside cabin
2021 Remaster "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" with Prince, Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne and Steve Winwood
Its 22:00, we are OK despite the heavy waves, we are OK, the slaughter comes up at 23:59.9999999
all kinds of lyrics here related to FInnegans Wake and our current posiiton
Huge wave shatters ferry window as Storm Ylenia batters Germany
Don't Forget Your Old Shipmate - Master and Commander: The Far Side Of The World
Funeral Wake drinking
Don't forget Tim Finnegans, don't forget Finnegans Wake 1927 struggle, don't forget MonoMyth problems to patch / hotfix.
I REALLY don't know WHAT to think about music anymore!?!
"The Music Bible" - what we are plowing over with FInnegans Wake catch-up to 2024 race to this iteration, Join with us, help
Unreality / Reality issues
Media generation changes / hardware advancing software / recycling
Lots of songs to associate to wake here, much ToDo: in notes
After mind sloshed around on waves, and drinking, hallucination of ability to measure of music is siren songs or real
She & Him - Stay Awhile
Air Guitar video themes at opening of unreality / big theme of this WWOPera unreality
Air dancing
Linger them (Cranberries translate)
AI Hallucination themes
2014 Hallucination Russian meme change Peter P themes
Ocean Oasis / False Visions after drinking, Pink Elephants
Sail On, Sailor (Remastered)
This iteration we are remastering the MonoMyth
lots of lyrics here to note to FInnegans Wake
Renaissance - Can You Hear Me (BBC Sight & Sound 1977)
The problem Joyce is trying to highlight is how people tune-out meaning of a single word. McLuhan describes reading as rapid guessing, executive decision making. But Bible readers / Quran readers (often in Middle East today I experienced taxi drivers and shop owners listening to Qura over and over, or prayer bead circling while listening), these were acoustic space. Believing it came from on-Hugh.
lyrics: "if I understood", links to 00:01 to 01:00 track by same band
Previous track lyric linc
Paired with Renaissance band in this playlist, with 00:01 to 01:00
Battle cry
"no one knows yet", we are leading
"just because they can't feel it" - forget - put more and more and Finnegans Wake into your mind
Finnegans Wake, Page 27 [29]
This goes here
He cursed and recursed - modern reference recursion - - which this program of playlist is doing in previous track pattern.
YouTube e publish date significant
Finnegans Wake, Page 33 [35]
Checkpoint - 185 videos - Saturday February 3, 2024 22:00 Arizona/California Havasu Line
11 views, probably several are me testing from other Google logins / devices.
Neil Postman - PBS Currents (Literacy Lost)
28,909 views Jul 26, 2011
USA Presidential debates, language, 7 hours of discourse / like double-header Baseball game
USA Today newspaper box looks like TV set
aliterate vs. illiterate. People who know how to read but choose not to.
Rap Learning - very much James Joyce Finnegans Wake! WakeOpera/FinWakeINdraNet is to highlight need to return to this!
"we didn't forget humpty dumpty" - Which is a core content of Finnegans Wake, the fall if Humpty Dumpty!
compelling media, children singing beer commercials
The Simpsons - Homer's song about beer
Yha, it isn't a beer commercial, but hey, have a beer for the Funeral Wake and falling asleep / dream / public dream
Navigation: 23:00 to 23:32