RoundSparrow 1969
This PlayList:
Hints and allegation notes started February 5, 2024.
Gabry Ponte x LUM!X x Prezioso - Thunder (Dance Video)
"Thunder rolling over and over" lyrics - James Joyce's Finnegans Wake 1927++ publication of "Thunder words"
Thunder-words are cryptographic messages, "War and Peace in the Global Village" by Canadian Professor Marshall McLuhan...
"listen to the thunder" - Finnegans Wake from 1927++ is to be read OUT LOUD, Jam it, LOUD! Time Finnegans Song! SongBird, Sing!
"over and over" lyrics - Iterations, reCycle, recirculation, opening sentence of FInengns Wake!
Bryan Adams - Summer Of 69 (Official Music Video)
Got my first 8-bit back in the summer of June 1984, Sinclair reject import, ZX81
Stephen born in 1969
129,676,596 views Nov 4, 2008
Goeth All things are metaphors.
Never seen the video before, but in October 2009 before starting Fin Wake Indra Net predictions of Arab Spring
Juke Box Hero
8-bit hero / ZBBS from scratch - "The Fortress" BBS 219 area code, VAX/VMS, OS/2... onward
Mae it to the top, Paul Allen Group direct employee at the largest wealth-double year in history for Gates/Allen, 1997.
"Got to stay on top" of the MonoMyth Waves of 1968 "War and Peace in the Global Village"
"In a town without a name" - cross reference lyric metaphors to Boxer by Paul Simon. Stephen's travels all over USA, South America, Africa, Indonesia, Malaise, EU, etc.
"in a heavy downpour" lyrics, he core them of Finnegans Wake page 3 onward, Thunderwords (www-words), Thunder human experience throughout humanity - Thunder, lighting, Fleetwood Mac song Dreams lyrixs of Rainfall "cleaning" lyrics throughout WakeOpera.
Amelia - Erin Ivey & The Finest Kind
Put it al i a black box, hide it un the bed of the sea lyrics - Romans 11:33... ++
From the album Broken Gold, by Erin Ivey and The Finest Kind.
Stephen helped fund this album.
3,479 views Apr 24, 2011
"I knew when I was there" - cross WakeOpera PlayList to Fleetwood Mac Dreams throughout WakeOpera -
"never again" Romans 11:32
"never again" - Joseph Campbell, November 1961: "Dante, in his analytical work the Convivio, said that there are two ways of regarding the literal aspect of a mythological image: one is the way of the poet, and the other is the way of the theologian. The poet sees the literal story as a beautiful fiction through which a truth is communicated allegorically. The theologian sees the story as a fact through which a truth is communicated. Both of them point to a superior truth through the story, but for one the story must be true—he likes true story magazines; the theologians like true-story magazines. And artists like fiction. My own personal definition of mythology—of religion—is religion is a popular misunderstanding of poetry. [laughter] Well now the poetry works, and so does the true-story magazine."
Campbell November 21, 1961.... -- In other words, the function of society has been removed from the mythological by the Greeks, and the Romans, and the Europeans; it has become a secular affair.Furthermore, says Dante, ―If you have two friends, and one of them is truth, truth is the friend that you must honor. In other words, he was already pointing toward the Renaissance, when the claims of archaic science, which inhabited the whole mythology which he himself presented, were to be challenged and broken up. First, wonderful Copernicus putting the sun in the middle; then the discovery that the planets were revolving not in perfect circle, but in ellipses—this broke Aristotle and Plato and Ptolemy‘s universe to bits.
"only leave behind you waves and speed" = Wake Waves of Finnegans Wake - traveling RoundSparrow - and Queen song said "she always changed her address" lyrics in previous tracks.
Annihilation | Helplessly Hoping
DNA all put through a prism and split apart, so many talk about "Creation" of Levant Mythology - 5000 year old art. Great Seal USA goes back 12,000 years to Climate Change EVent (covered in this WakeOpera). And Cavles of Altamira, core to this WakeOpera beyond Electric Torah... anyway.... People don't consider DNA as PROOF of Darwin's theory. It's entirely independent, microscope vs. macro-animal and travel that Darwin did...
Confusion has it's cost, Rommans 11:32... break FREE< go to Expanding MonoMyth
DNA - reference to "Double Helix in the Sky" lyrics of Electric Torah, Steely Dan song lyrics.
"Josie" - Steely Dan track reference in this WakeOpera
Please read the books
Please watch the film
Please Comparative Mythology Translation Metaphors between book and film.
"At the empty place inside" - James Joyce's Romans 11:32 in all his works - I confess that I do not see what good it does to fulminate against the English tyranny while the Roman tyranny occupies the palace of the soul. - "Ireland, Island of Saints and Sages," lecture, Università Popolare, Trieste (27 April 1907)
A Book Summary of Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis
Campbell, age 81: "CAMPBELL: In matters of this kind, yes. The majority's function in relation to the spirit is to try to listen and to open up to someone who's had an experience beyond that of food, shelter, progeny, and wealth. Have you ever read Sinclair Lewis' Babbitt? MOYERS: Not in a long time."
Date of publication significant.
Steely Dan in The Simpsons
"Project Vuccan" opening image - I used to work for "Vulcan Northwest" / Paul Allen Group / "Expeirenxe Music Project" in late 1990's.
"Drugs at a Steely Dan Concert, I thought I would never see the day" ... Hello World, 10 print:
"We still haven't gotten to the beginning of the song" - WakeOpera...
Study "Dirty Work" reference to lyrics - Stephen did Dirty Work for #1 and #3 richest persons on Pale Blue Dot in 1997.
The Low Spark Of High-Heeled Boys
Jimi Hendrix did work collaborate with Traffic band - cross-town Hendrix. Cross MonoMyth Woodstock translations Expanding MonoMyth
Tunisia Arab Spring origins of song title name
Little Prince Sahara themes of WakeOpera
Star Wars 1977 Tunisia - film song "high helled boys" title creation
Stephen worked for Jimi Hendrix Museum / "Experience Music Project" that inspired "Experience Mythology Project" --- Expanding MonoMyth repeat repeater
much more, listen and mermorize lyrics, memorize all of Fnnegans Wake metaphors
Lanie Gardner - Dreams by Fleetwood Mac (Cover)
"Thunder only happens when it's raining" - James Joyce Finnegans Wake Thunders
"Women they will come and go" _ ALP references. #ReadyPlayerALP
48,937,101 views Oct 2, 2020
Date significant
"Any dreams you would like to sell" - Public Dream - MonoMyth - Finnegans Wake MonoMyth
way way way way way more
The Who (2 of 10) "Amazing Journey", "Sparks", The U.S. Army Band "Pershing's Own"
lyrics "Music dreams" - Finnegans Wake 1927++ James Joyce is a "Public Dream'" - MonMyth defined call-out.
Amazing Journey - Amaing WakeOpera1