03:19:39 to 03:29:03 Smartphone society
January 31, 2024
Chomsky on Religion
Joseph Campbell, 1986: "You know, it's very interesting to think of the history of Christianity. During the first five centuries, there were lots of Christianities, lots of ways of being Christian. And then, in the period of Theodosius in the fourth century, the only religion allowed in the Roman Empire was the Christian religion, and the only form of Christianity allowed in the Roman Empire was the Christianity of Byzantium's throne. The vandalism involved in the destruction of the pagan temples of antiquity is hardly matched in world history."
Bible verse "1 John 3:17"
1,205,967 views Jun 21, 2010
Noam Chomsky discusses religion and terrorism at his MIT office on April 23, 2010.
Chomsky explains Cold War in 5 min
Internal politics vs. external violence
Joseph Campbell, 1986, age 81: ""this passage is an extreme statement of something that is inherent in most sociologically oriented mythologies. That is to say, love and compassion are reserved for the in-group, and aggression and abuse are projected outward on others. Compassion is to be reserved for members of your own group. The out-group is to be treated in a way described there in Deuteronomy. Now, today there is no out-group anymore on the planet. And the problem of a modern religion is to have such compassion work for the whole of humanity. But then what happens to the aggression? This is a problem that the world is going to have to face -- because aggression is a natural instinct just as much as, and more immediate than, compassion, and it is always going to be there. It's a biological fact."
all nations are liars
Carl Jung, right when Germany was in full killing Nazi mode: No nation keeps its word. A nation is a big, blind worm, following what? Fate perhaps. A nation has no honour, it has no word to keep. ... Hitler is himself the nation. That incidentally is why Hitler always has to talk so loud, even in private conversation — because he is speaking with 78 million voices. - During an interview with H. R. Knickerbocker (1939)
Do Organized Religions keep their word, or same pattern as nations?
Human Nature - Ingroup vs Outgroup
Hollocaust origins
25,167 views Sep 22, 2015
Here is the amazing Paul Bloom again, talking about what lies behind bigotry.
Rats, vermine, lice, dehumanizing in war - That way we don't face it is inside us all, and media signals, media ecology issue.
Joseph Canpbell, age 81, 1986: "The Indians [Native Americans] addressed all of life as a "thou" -- the trees, the stones, everything. You can address anything as a "thou," and if you do it, you can feel the change in your own psychology. The ego that sees a "thou" is not the same ego that sees an "it." And when you go to war with people, the problem of the newspapers is to turn those people into "its.""
Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (Official Music Video)
1,797,007,211 views Jun 16, 2009
Media generations, 1943 book, 2014 film
Who decides what is acceptable speech on social media platforms?
6,067 views Oct 10, 2022
CNN's Donie O'Sullivan's Twitter account suspended after reporting Elon Musk's suspension of user
371,274 views Dec 15, 2022
Elon Musk: I disagree with the idea of unions
1,214,331 views Nov 29, 2023
Twitter suspends journalists who wrote about owner Elon Musk
3,907 views Dec 16, 2022
306 Foucault and the Disappearance of the Human (Rick Roderick)
4,869 views Jul 15, 2016
Roderick, 1993: Today, in using the distinction I have used in these lectures, I might want to replace the world “knowledge” with “information”, and it wouldn’t hurt Foucault’s argument if I did given that I think that’s what the university systems and other systems produce; that’s a better term now for it. But in any case, the idea here is that it cuts deeply against a lot of our humanistic sentiments. We would like to believe based on the long Platonic tradition that knowledge is what can be accepted by all rational beings, and the standard model for that in philosophy, ah, is mathematics. You know, one plus one is two and you don’t vote on it and it doesn’t matter what you think, and you know that’s probably right about one plus one is two. But it’s a far different matter about whether it’s right about the structure within which we learn systems like mathematics, and that’s what Foucault was concerned with, are whole genealogical slices of time within which we learn certain practices and how to obey them. Now when I have my students argue with me about this thesis that: where you find knowledge or information there also you will find power, if they keep arguing with me I threaten to given them a “C” and then they agree with me [crowd laughter]. And that is what I call a demonstration by direction, or a West Texas phrase for it would be “hitting a mule upside the head to get his attention”; that will get a student’s attention, when they realise that your power is connected to your knowledge and vice versa. By the way if they happened to be the son or daughter of a three or four million dollar donor to Duke then their power is connected to how their knowledge may have to be treated by someone, although I generally ignored that kind of thing, in fact I always ignored it. Alright now that’s the thesis that is considered – as hard as it may be to believe, because I think I presented it in a commonsensical way – this is the thesis that seems to have outraged a whole group of people at universities as though this doesn’t speak to the experience of – and of course it does, this is why they associate it with political correctness, because this always spoke to the experience of those who have just entered such systems; women when they first came to the university, African Americans, Chicanos and so on have always experienced the knowledge that they were to receive as a form of power
Progressives, Journalists Suspended On X Without Explanation
34,959 views Jan 9, 2024
Repeat, 2024...
Left vs Right
2,055,275 views Jun 1, 2013
Why people hate the ones that don’t belong | Ingroups & Outgroups
1,108 views Jul 4, 2016
Significant publication date
Symbolism of the Great Seal of the United States
Liberals and Conservatives Are More Similar Than You Think
908,020 views Jan 7, 2024
Ingroup Bias (Definition + Examples)
56,604 views Dec 17, 2020
Penn & Teller: Bullshit! - Vaccinations
1,473,368 views Oct 1, 2010
Pre pandemic
“In one experiment, CA would show people on online panels pictures of simple bar graphs about uncontroversial things (e.g., the usage rates of mobile phones or sales of a car type) and the majority would be able to read the graph correctly. However, unbeknownst to the respondents, the data behind these graphs had actually been derived from politically controversial topics, such as income inequality, climate change, or deaths from gun violence. When the labels of the same graphs were later switched to their actual controversial topic, respondents who were made angry by identity threats were more likely to misread the relabeled graphs that they had previously understood. What CA observed was that when respondents were angry, their need for complete and rational explanations was also significantly reduced. In particular, anger put people in a frame of mind in which they were more indiscriminately punitive, particularly to out-groups. They would also underestimate the risk of negative outcomes. This led CA to discover that even if a hypothetical trade war with China or Mexico meant the loss of American jobs and profits, people primed with anger would tolerate that domestic economic damage if it meant they could use a trade war to punish immigrant groups and urban liberals.” ― Christopher Wylie, Mindf*ck: Cambridge Analytica and the Plot to Break America
In-group/Out-group | Ethics Defined
85,478 views Dec 18, 2018
Bill Moyers / Joseph Campbell: Mythology is the song. It is the song of the imagination, inspired by
No views Jan 31, 2024
Joseph Campbell: the second forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden. Tree of coming back to the garden
Tree climbing, Tim Finnegans Ladder, Tower of Babel - second tree
No views Jan 31, 2024
non-duality, exit, like in-group / out-group, left vs. right, liberal vs. conservative
"non-duality of man and god"
Cult of Ignorance ~ Isaac Asimov
404 views Apr 3, 2022
Social media shows this with ReTweet, likes, upvotes, etc
Film Theory: Disney is Making Propaganda
2,081,216 views Jan 28, 2024
Theme parks, Holy Lands, Childhood indoctrination - Mythology
Generative Artificial Intelligence
Previous clip from Campbell, death and of generation, tree of knowledge generation, death on cross as symbol of tree - generative mythology
Joseph Campbell: kill a dragon, the name of the dragon is "Thou shalt." Bible verse Romans 11:32
3 views Jan 31, 2024
Musician's Worst Nightmare Has Become Our New Reality
92,694 views Jan 31, 2024
Frank Zappa - Joe's Garage (Visualizer)
127,472 views Aug 18, 2023
"HEYYY down at joes garage. we didn't have no dope or lsd. but a couple quarts of beer would fix it so the intonation would not offend your ear"
Offended ear - key concept of Finnegans Wake, Joyce
LSD - www.LazyWake.com - Marshall McLuhan on Finnegans Wake
Music and art opens minds, Joyce's point of his body of work...
YouTube comment: @DumerZound 5 months ago I want this playing at my funeral and everyone to keep serious -- Finnegans Wake funeral
Blackface on image: https://www.reddit.com/r/Zappa/comments/ezy4s4/was_frank_zappa_in_blackface_in_joes_garage/
Campbell: You come into an enormous chamber, like a great cathedral, with all these painted animals.
No views Jan 31, 2024
UMass Lowell Steely Dan Ensemble | The Caves Of Altamira
8,589 views Premiered Feb 15, 2022
BLACK SABBATH - End of the Beginning (Official Video)
11,933,671 views Jun 11, 2013
"if you don't know which way to go, you may be lost and confused" - Darkest night hours of Earwicker Pub Crawl
"rise up and resist" - Romans 11:32
"tomorrow is too late", night hours of Finnegans Wake learning and teaching to others, now.
tradition that doesn't respond to the environment -- it comes from somewhere else. James Joyce works
No views Jan 31, 2024
Peg | Black Cow - Dirty Logic - Live at Sierra Nevada Brewing - Dec 7, 2023
Smile for the camera, speaking of artist in previous track
56 views Jan 31, 2024
"So outrageous" - echos of Show Biz Kids
Joseph Campbell: There's a major difference, as I see it, between a shaman and a priest.
No views Jan 31, 2024
MIT Professor on AI’s future in a post-Moore’s Law era: Part 2
181 views Jan 31, 2024
Philosophical implications of artificial intelligence that goes beyond Moore's Law
The Grand Illusion
"Deep inside we are all the same"
Repeat track
1,191,979 views Jul 29, 2018
is central mountain / axis mundi of the world Jerusalem? Rome? Benares? Lhasa? Mexico City? Mecca?
No views Jan 31, 2024
I added Mecca to list, Islam / Mohammad. Campbell doesn't mention Mecca himself.
Terence McKenna - The Danger is Madness
6,313 views Nov 8, 2017
Abused by school peers in Western Colorado
Story holds abusers at bay, like people use comedy to overcome abusers
Stand up in class and very rapidly speak sentences where he would curse where theacher couldn't hear it
Relationship to knowledge, William Bake, "attend the minute particulars"
7 minutes - it is a linguistic structure, Plato's Allegory of the Cave
It isn't about belief or commitment to dogma, it's about obsrvational integrity - witnessing. For RoundSparrow, it was witnessing the generals of social media since age 13 - ZBBS up to Paul Allen Group / Experience Music Project / Sports teams to owner communication analysis - and prediction of the Arab Spring in December 2009 after travel all over USA and to Arica, Chile to study social media influence on people.
He wrote a Magic Mushroom book - www.LazyWake.com again
Video title reference: 47:58
Mathematics in the art of Albrecht Durer
1,498 views Oct 16, 2022
Timothy Leary - Computer Technology
830 views Oct 25, 2011
Dr. Timothy Leary explains his MIND MIRROR computer program.
36,701 views Aug 15, 2009
Likes word appliance
spent 2 years on app
Divided by Zero by RoundSparrow quotes Leary.
1950 PHD.
Campbell: I will participate in the game. It is a wonderful, wonderful opera - except that it hurts.
Campbell quotes James Joyce about History is a Nightmare.
No views Jan 31, 2024
Joseph Campbell: Every mythology, every religion, is true in this sense. It is true as metaphorical
No views Jan 31, 2024
Jesus ascended into heaven
understand that each religion is a kind of software that has its own set of signals and will work.
No views Jan 31, 2024
Terence McKenna - What's Going On?
69,563 views Jul 17, 2020
"all generated out of us"
How a Breakthrough in a Dream Changed Chemistry Forever
9,843 views Jan 31, 2024
Public Dream vs. Private Dream
Terence McKenna - Escaping The Matrix
36,870 views Jun 5, 2023
22 minutes, "what theologians call The Fall" - core theme of FInnegans Wake
Why people believe weird things | Michael Shermer
3,010,136 views Apr 15, 2008
Bunko squads
Culture is a Mass Hallucination - Terence McKenna
simply to remember our dreams, drugs would become obsolete
FInnegans Wake is Public Dream, Night hours
Language is partially the key here
3,616 views Jul 23, 2017
At the NATO summit in Wales last week, General Philip Breedlove, the military alliance’s top commander, made a bold declaration. Russia, he said, is waging “the most amazing information warfare blitzkrieg we have ever seen in the history of information warfare.” It was something of an underestimation. The new Russia doesn’t just deal in the petty disinformation, forgeries, lies, leaks, and cyber-sabotage usually associated with information warfare. It reinvents reality, creating mass hallucinations that then translate into political action. --- https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/09/russia-putin-revolutionizing-information-warfare/379880/
That Time an Entire French Town Went Insane
105,795 views Dec 14, 2021
Ergot Poisoning
Terrifying Example of Shared Psychosis | Tales From the Bottle
Uses American word / UK words as humor
1,771,765 views Aug 13, 2021
Mass Consensual Hallucinations with William Gibson
Humanity as a species keeps inventing mythology, hallucinations
Technology of information systems
57,152 views May 23, 2012
Technology makes change, ideology is coping
Middle East...
Cheap artist workspaces in cities
Welcomes innovation vs. cooked static
Occupy Wall Street year of filming. OWS. Finnegans Wake opening page has Wall Street, Fall of Stock Market metaphors.
People Trying to Control Your Mind Have More Tools than Ever | COMPLEXIFY
267,233 views Oct 17, 2020
"advertising doesn't work on me"
Brain Hacking
Silicon Valley is engineering your phone, apps and social media to get you hooked, says a former Google product manager
764,315 views Jan 10, 2018
A year later, 2019: “We like to think of ourselves as immune from influence or our cognitive biases, because we want to feel like we are in control, but industries like alcohol, tobacco, fast food, and gaming all know we are creatures that are subject to cognitive and emotional vulnerabilities. And tech has caught on to this with its research into “user experience,” “gamification,” “growth hacking,” and “engagement” by activating ludic loops and reinforcement schedules in the same way slot machines do. So far, this gamification has been contained to social media and digital platforms, but what will happen as we further integrate our lives with networked information architectures designed to exploit evolutionary flaws in our cognition? Do we really want to live in a “gamified” environment that engineers our obsessions and plays with our lives as if we are inside its game?” ― Christopher Wylie, Mindf*ck: Cambridge Analytica and the Plot to Break America
Watch Steve Bannon Explain How He Sees the World | Bannon's War | FRONTLINE
68,685 views May 23, 2017
Islam vs. Christian
World of Warcraft Made Trump President (Actual True History)
40,426 views Aug 31, 2018
Steve Bannon
Steve Bannon Oversaw Cambridge Analytica Facebook Data Collection | All In | MSNBC
19,231 views Mar 20, 2018
“He reads about intersectional feminism or the fluidity of identity –not as I later learned that, because he’s open to those ideas –but because he wants to invert them: to identify what ideas people attach themselves to and then to weaponize it. What I didn’t know that day is that Bannon wanted to fight a cultural war, and so he had come to people who specialized in informational weapons to help him build his arsenal.” ― Christopher Wylie, Mindf*ck: Cambridge Analytica and the Plot to Break America
Russia says they worked with Cambridge Analytica.... "Keep in mind that this was all written just four days after Trump was elected. It was before people started asking questions about Cambridge Analytica or targeted social media ads. Mr. Rykov might have been boasting as he spiked the football in the end zone, perhaps even elevating or exaggerating his role. What he didn’t think at that point, however, is that he had any reason to hide what he’d done." https://washingtonmonthly.com/2017/11/24/a-trumprussia-confession-in-plain-sight/
Noam Chomsky - Manufacturing Consent
2,141,734 views Oct 15, 2015
Excerpt from the documentary "Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media" (1992).
Both liberal and conservative
Campbell, age 81: ""How do you relate to the system so that you are not compulsively serving it? It doesn't help to try to change it to accord with your system of thought. The momentum of history behind it is too great for anything really significant to evolve from that kind of action. The thing to do is learn to live in your period of history as a human being. That's something else, and it can be done."
Margenalize disenting voices
Noam Chomsky - The 5 Filters of the Mass Media Machine
2,418,506 views Mar 2, 2017
How media mogul Rupert Murdoch built his empire • FRANCE 24 English
1,016 views Sep 22, 2023
On air vs. off air: How Fox News lied about the 2020 election
27,569 views Feb 17, 2023
Fox News settles Dominion defamation case for $787.5m – BBC News
86,181 views Apr 18, 2023
FBI issues dramatic public warning: Chinese hackers are preparing to 'wreak havoc' on the US
2027 is Taiwan takeover plan by CCP?
391,658 views Jan 31, 2024
How can average person trust anyone in this? Mythology warfare is all over.
RoundSparrow - I've been in computing professionally since age 15, worked at a Pentagon computer software shop as an apprentice at age 16. USA is not defended, security is terrible with our networks and devices. The world would do well to support OpenBSD. At this pont, I'm honeslty hoping for the far longer run of Finnegans Wake and world peace... defending the lifestyle we had of 'hate out-groups' as technology is keeps becoming more potent - is a bad idea. We need to deal with the unity of Pale Blue Dot.
Carl Sagan unveils the Pale Blue Dot image
175,956 views Feb 14, 2020
The Little Prince - "Growing up is not the problem,forgetting is."
266,264 views Aug 26, 2016
Noam Chomsky - Necessary Illusions (Full Massey Lecture, High Audio Quality)
135,848 views Sep 10, 2013
Intellectual self defense
Canadian journalists
Manufactured Consent recently published at time of recording
Howard Bloom - The Global Brain
3,512 views Apr 8, 2011
Howard Bloom: Global Brain Part 1
15,411 views Sep 22, 2009
Howard Bloom: Global Brain Part 2
Unkempt person because thinking for a living
conformity enforcers
diversity generators
Howard Bloom: Global Brain Part 3
Chronic doses of stress hormones
crawl into a hole a die
4,376 views Sep 22, 2009
Fight or Flight is too simple
Giving up, learned helplessness, doctrine of individual survival
Individual selection-ism
Group IQ. - That's at the heart of Fin Wake Indra Net - group dynamics of the Arab Spring where people escaped Quran world view to a greater Public Library world view... but then under 2013 onward Surkov Siege / Putin Media Invasion - people considered Donald Trump in USA intelligent and Putin as a "good leader". Group IQ shifts.
Group hunting
My commentary: Drug overdoses, alcoholism, divorce - people caught in big waves of society / trends - such as the Internet / Smartphone (the title of this playlist)
Howard Bloom: Global Brain Part 4
Super-organism, subcultures, baboons
Howard Bloom: Global Brain Part 5
2008 "continuous partial attention"
The Atlantic - multiplexing of information sources
The Triumph of ADD - adaption to modern information systems.
Divided by Zero - Timothy Leary - quote about information
Group videogame players social interaction
Isolation is painful
Feedback from other human beings
Instant personal publishing