Dusk 19:32 to 21:00
Dusk 19:32 to 21:00 Dublin Metaphors PlayList hints and allegations of arrangement
Playlist is at 160 tracks at the time I started adding the first notes her eon this page, February 3, 2024. Sometimes I prefer to focus exclusively on the lyrics of the songs, the arrangement and sequence, and then revisit it moths later to see what meanings I recall.
Notes for Earwicker Dusk, Starting Point, Playlist: https://WakeIndra.com/finwakeindranet/public-house-crawl-night-hours/dusk-start
O Brother, Where Art Thou (2000) Go To Sleep You Little Thing
year 2000 - gives a 24 year kick-back of subconscious for older audience members who may recall the film.
"Go to sleep you little baby" - Finnegans Wake is night hours of Dublin, Public Dream night hours. So the audience needs to enter a dream.
The visual title / movie title, invokes an immediate Levant Bible context. Genesis 4:9 and others. Genesis being the opening of the Torah, Bible relevant to the start of this playlist invocation.
Sleep is inverted, "Wake" all night we shall be
Self-trance mode, sleep, to the lyrical Finnegans Wake words and listening to very simple lyrics in this first track
No visuals, still picture, relax, ease in. Resist the urge to skip ahead.
Eminem - Lose Yourself [HD]
Now e amp it up
Looks calm but ready to
Words won't come out - Bible verse John 1:1
"back to reality" - this is all about REALITY, this is the core escape hatch of old Mythology, is to make it relevant to real world
video play is significant
The music - the Finnegans Wake lyrical music poetry
"new world order", Great Seal USA reference throughout the Finnegans Wake opening page of Wall Street and this WakeOpera/FinWakeIndraNet.
pacing speeds up
"the beat goes on" - endless cycle of Finnegans Wake iterations, the last page pointing to the first.
"you only get one shot" "blow" - don't blow your mind, or be repulsed.
"I've been booed off stage", "someone is paying the pied piper" - the world needs to shift attentio to teaching Media Ecology of "War and Peace in the Global Village" about FInnegans Wake.
"Formulate a plot" - a tactical Playlist plot - Finnegans Wake Joyce plot, a awakening of the crowd - Pale Blue Dot.
"you better lose yourself" - give your mind to Finnegans Wake - set your mind to loading musical lyrics of Joyce's words and these songs into your mindset.
Frou Frou - Breathe In (Official Music Video)
Please memorize this song if you can, give it a great attempt.
"from all the waiting" lyrics - I've been struggling now for over 14 years to organize this "Collage Art" in the spirit of 1969 "War and Peace in the Global Village", this Earwicker Pub Crawl. Please understand how difficult it is... just as the huge effort Joyce put into Finnegans Wake itself.
296,920 views Oct 27, 2022
cognitive dissonance lyrics - this is the core, and the lead-up to the next track, and "lazy man's FInnegans Wake". Really replay this track, sink it into the mind.
Marshall Macluhan LSD and Finnegan's Wake
This WakeOpera/FinWakeINdraNet project includes the website www.LazyWakke.com - share with anyone and everyone! Share Finnegans Wake....
"very lucky to be a backwards country" "at a time like this, the less involved" "in the mist of the big event" - Finnegans Wake fro 1939 and earlier publication of Joyce's work is to shift the entire focus to see the world as show business. To be Awake at Night Hours, to subconscious influence.
The title of the video is wrong, but invokes a great Big Mac reference - Rick Roderick cross playlist / track reference.
Idiot defined.
Great sameness that comes from media.
"I have no point of view", he rotates chair - pick up information from many topics in this WakeOpera/FinWakeIndraNet - "you've got to be everywhere at once, whether you like it or not"
Book is an information service, you don't read Finnegans Wake back to front, you can jump into any page, same with how people read Torah, Quran, Bible, Upanishads, etc.
5,863 views May 17, 2009 - I, RoundSparrow/Stephen started this "War and Peace in the Global Village" collage art project on December 16, 2009 - and this video was one I watched in 2009 to influence me. I've never used LSD drug, but I realized humanity in 2009 had overlooked this statement.
When The Holy People on The Surface of Mother Earth; Native American (Navajo) Teaching.
Non-English language confrontation of thunderwords in Finnegans Wake in this video.
4 parts of Finnegans Wake being alluded to by dividing things into 4 worlds... start emphasizing concepts of 4 eras.
"invisible to us", "fog" - which Finnegans Wake is very much a trip down memory lane and what other humans have expressed and built.
"it's very important for us to understand" - that is a general theme of the entire WakeOpera/FinWakeIndraNet.
We are not as holy as Joyce / McLuhan / Campbell - we are students, we are followers of Joyce and the world wide monomyth.
"RoundSparrow" was my 1999 or so username I piced for my self, Stephen, and inspired by my North America birthplace mythology. So it ties to Navajo Windtalker concepts of this WakeOpera/FinWakeIndraNet presentation.
"crystal clear" white light - prism concept, which next track does prism icon symbol. Hearing, seeing the unseen. Waking up to symbolic metaphor interpretation of art and language. Also a reference to Fleedtwood Mac song "Dreams" and rain cleaning / thunder metaphors of Finnegans Wake.
33,275 views Jan 1, 2024
start of new year significant
Pink Floyd - Breathe (In The Air) (2023 Remaster)
1,247,869 views Premiered Apr 14, 2023
remastered 2023 significant
Date of release significant
all you touch, all you see - call back to previous track concepts.
Prism significant
"chose your own ground" - Campbell, age 81: "That's completely contrary to everything the Church stood for. It's a personal, individual experience, and I think it's the essential thing that's great about the West and that makes it different from all other traditions I know. "
"when at last when the work is done, it's time to dig another one" - the iteration of Finnegans Wake cycle, the endless
"Ride the tide" - The wake of waves.
Song abruptly stopping is significant.
Asia - Only Time Will Tell (Official Music Video)
"war and Peace in Global Village" theme REALLY coming no with the TV sets forming a Jesus Cross. Media generations / Media Ecology of this WakeOpera.
Audiences will flee, quot, run away, like they do with James Joyce's work. He published it serially and the printing press shut down, people gave up on his work and declare it bad, vomited it up. The silhouette of what people avoid, Romans 11:32 verse teaching...
The lie is over, we are now free by Romans 11:32.... John 1:1 verses.... but it will take all of Finnegans Wake in your mind - time will tell.
"you are leaving now, it's in your eyes, there is no disguising it" - you are gong to give up on this WakeOpera - by this track, maybe even the appearance of the website itself. Media Ecology - Neil Postman's "Amusing ourselves to Death" depth vs. shallowness. I've been working on this for over 14 years now, I'm well aware are how repulsed people are by Joyce's work .
2,171,720 views Nov 4, 2022
Upload/publish date of video significant for media ecology. How music industry cartels take so many decades to upload a video to YouTube, suppressed mythology.
Amused to Death
Now we are core into Neil Postman / Media Ecology. "War and Peace in the Global Village" by Marshall McLuhan topic.
There is a "Teach the teachers" series, outside the Pub Crawl - FYI. That gets into more direct language on all these topics.
This album is DIRECTLY inspired by Neil Postman' 1985 book on same subject.
623,019 views Aug 11, 2015
upload/publish date significant
Released on: 1992-09-01
"latches on the symbol of detachment"
"peeling away of feelings" - a huge theme of this WakeOpera/FinWakeIndraNet is not killing your own heart with junk media and doing into metaphors and subconscious.
"is absolute zero cold enough" - cold hearted, cold shoulder, grey rocking Finnegans Wake / FinWakeIndraNet, heartless, stone heart.
Fake simulation of life has sucked tears dry
Bartender - Finnegans Wake Earwicker Pub House drinking themes.
"Greatest show on earth" - direct reference to James Joyce's Finnegans Wake "nightmare of history' and in Finnegans Wake the line about the MonoMyth beeing seen. And a cross-playlist track reference to David Bowie Life on Mars show.
The background voice of the man speaking near end, listen to it. In fact, every track, locate the lyrics and read along... and repeat tracks as much as you personally need. See also "wish you were here" media ecology opening of track.
Nightcore - Orinoco Flow - Celtic Woman
Now we are going to dive into the very thing we are protesting, amped up noise, nightcore.
Night - Finnegans Wake night hours
Orinoco flow - riverrun.
We are Romans 11:32 to our own Media Ecology, as we are Expanding MonoMyth
Speed up your mind.
25,556 views Jun 19, 2013
date significant
Distortion significant
Cocteau Twins - Frou-Frou Foxes In Midsummer Fires (Extended)
Visuals absent significant, static focus.
Call back to key track of Frou-Frou in this playlist earlier.
1,551 views Apr 11, 2022
Date significant of upload
Extended significant
Enya's Orinoco Flow, but it's a Bardcore sea shanty
If the WakeOpera/FinWakeIndraNet viewer hasn't looked up lyrics for songs, this is a reminder to please do so.
still in the NightCore/BardCore adaption themes of recent tracks. This time going back in time.
1,702,257 views Nov 14, 2020
Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark - Bardcore
3,211,684 views Sep 22, 2020
Away from animation into human performers on visuals. Progressed from static to animation to persons.
"Fear" title - Joseph Campbell, age 81: "The Grail was brought down through the middle by the neutral angels. It represents that spiritual path that is between pairs of opposites, between fear and desire, between good and evil. "
"Dark" title - night hours of Finnegans Wake cycling over and over as a theme.
Pre - Peter Sandberg
Visuals depict climbing in shifting sand, Finnegans Wake grasp in your hand.
8 views Jan 2, 2024
Date significant of publication
Metaphor of names "Peter" and "Sandberg" - iceberg of sand, mountain of sand we are moving.
YouTube description: "When a weary soul is disturbed by the noise of the world"
Someday We'll Know - New Radicals l Cover by PRIMA PRIM x Alex Rendell
Revelations of Stephen in Bible. And forbidden variations: http://gnosis.org/library/revstev.htm
"move a mountain" - Mohammad metaphor.
Bible references throughout song.
"someday we will know" - call back to Asia track earlier in playlist, "only time will tell"
"watched the stars crash in the sea" - the total crash of Levant MonoMyth, failure, that Joyce is addressing with a new MonoMyth in Finnegans Wake... Romans 11:32 recycle reboot of Expanding MonoMyth
229,287 views Nov 3, 2021
lots more
cover picked very specifically at this point
Saturday in the Park - Chicago
Chicago was in previous track opening lyrics
Date of upload very significant
Please release and speak along and ponder lyrics
Mixed languages
8,674,286 views Feb 20, 2007
Saturday - Torah day, focus on the 3 Levant holy days of the week and their conflicts, merging Thunders of MonoMyth in revised Expanding MonoMyth
July 4 significant in lyrics
"Park" - Phoenix Park buildup - "waiting such a long time" rebirth of monomyth
"tell stories his own way" - which RoundSparrow/Stephen is doing
"listen children, all is not lost - elders are handing down Finnegans Wake, and the time will come soon, early in this entire Pub Crawl - students - hopeful
"every day is the 4th of july" - the future vision of the new reborn MonoMyth Expanding MonoMyth
"Can you dig it? Yes I can!" - Campbell, age 81: ""I will participate in the game. It is a wonderful, wonderful opera -- except that it hurts."Affirmation is difficult. We always affirm with conditions. I affirm the world on condition that it gets to be the way Santa Claus told me it ought to be. But affirming it the way it is -- that's the hard thing, and that is what rituals are about. Ritual is group participation in the most hideous act, which is the act of life -- namely, killing and eating another living thing. We do it together, and this is the way life is. The hero is the one who comes to participate in life courageously and decently, in the way of nature, not in the way of personal rancor, disappointment, or revenge."
Summer Breeze - Seals & Croft #1 Hit(1972)
We are waking from Torah Saturday holy day to Friday, Islam
Jasmine Revolution - Arab Spring December 2009 prediction of RoundSparrow/Stephen. https://www.britannica.com/event/Jasmine-Revolution
"see the payer laying on the sidewalk"
" a little music from the house next door" - very much experience of this WkakeOpera/FInWakeIndra net and metaphors of Stephen's trip to Africa for Arab Spring.
"in my mind" - rewriting mind.
July lyrics - Ramadan 2010 build up (again Friday Islam day of the lyrics)
Breeze cleaning things - much like Fleetwood Mac Dreams heme of rain. themes of thunder/rain/wind Earth metaphors.
Visual was picked to be in conflict, technology conflicting with metaphors, wealth of boats/etc.
33,418,072 views Jun 1, 2009
Date significant of upload
"stop and smell the flowers" metaphor of flowers- escape John 1:1 bible verse, real world tied to experience.
Even if we go into winter, it can be summer "In my mind", daytime can be in mind n nighttime computation of subconscious rewriting of Mass Mind / MonoMyth expansion.
"July is plying her tune" - Public Dream metaphors / personifying experiences.
"feels fine" - trying to be encouraging to opera audience, trust and follow, hold on to new growth of flowers.
Gary Wright - DreamWeaver Official Video
All aboard this multi-month intense society-wide rewrite! Leave tomorrow behind! Please help everyone get on this Finnegans Wake teaching train.
Through the night hours of Finnegans Wake monomyth opcode debugging.
All night long, long night ahead.
"help me to forget" - old broken monomyth public dream patterns, embrace the new Joyce focused rewrite process.
20,986,269 views Jan 6, 2014
"we" - together, all of us, humanity, Pale Blue Dot
"there may still be some time" - time shifting ahead
"bright side of the moon" - eclipse and moon references throughout. Campbell: "The death and resurrection of the god is everywhere associated with the moon, which dies and is resurrected every month. It is for two nights, or three days dark, and we have Christ for two nights, or three days in the tomb. "
Wildfire- Michael Martin Murphey
Train metaphors expanding to other 1920's Finnegans Wake transport metaphors.
25,019,574 views Oct 2, 2007
date significant
"yellow mountain" sand mountains?
"wildfire" - Campbell: "Prometheus brings fire to mankind and consequently civilization. The fire theft, by the way, is a universal mythic theme. Often, it's a trickster animal or bird that steals the fire and then passes it along to a relay team of birds or animals who run with it. Sometimes the animals are burned by the flames as they pass the fire along, and this is said to account for their different colorings. The fire theft is a very popular, worldwide story. "
Death in cold. Tim Finnegans funeral, death.
A human calling out to nature.
Aphrodite's Child - The Four Horsemen (video)
Band name significant
Song title significant
5,329,078 views Aug 23, 2010
666 LP. 666 was recorded during 1970 / 71, and released in 1972. Video footage of Demis Roussos, lead singer and bass guitarist with Aphrodite's Child, taken in 1971
Battlestar Galactica - Crossroads Ending (All Along the Watchtower)
"War and Peace in the Global Village" by McLuhan front and center in participant/audience.
Paul Allen's "Experience Music Project" tickle to Jimi Hendrix.
94,070 views May 14, 2011
Crossroads - famous music theme in music history. Calls back to first track, Brother were art thou.
Madam President - March 2013 onward Internet information war / meme warfare / intended root invocation. Putin vs. Hillary Clinton, and Clinton's 2011 statements about media and Russia. “We are engaged in an information war and we are losing that war,” she said. China and Russia have started multi- language television networks, she said, even as the U.S. cuts back in this area. “We are paying a big price” for dismantling international communications networks after the end of the Cold War, Clinton said. ::-- March 2, 2011
Dead person comes back to life, and she is a VERY heavy drinker. Tim Finnegans drinking brings him back to life. Jesus wine. Aside: I have also met this actress in person at the New Orleans Jazz Festival in audience!
Crosby, Stills & Nash - Southern Cross
Orinoco flow
Inverted Cross.
"think about", "think about"
The Fall of Tim off ladder / Mankind
"you and me" - all of us together
"I have been around the world" - Arab Spring from Stephen.
"who knows love can endure' the MAIN THEME of the Expanding MonoMyth opcode rewrites
19,401,089 views Jul 15, 2010
This video I had never seen, but knew the song from my outh. The date of this published on YouTube was very significant to take on FinWakeIndraNet
"All my flags are flying" - see RoundSparrow Twitter pinned post - "freak flag flying" in CSNY lyrics of that song, Almost cut my Hear - Cross FinWakeIndraNet reference.
Last track was dark, now we are gettting audience more positive / change of direciton.
Inversion of polls. Polarity, bi-polar. https://thesethingsinside.wordpress.com/2013/04/18/joseph-campbell-says-religious-literalism-sets-satan-in-the-seat-of-god/
Blood Sweat & Tears - Spinning wheel
"can you see it baby" isn't romantic in this WakeOpera, it is YOU - the singer is singing to you in audience.
Sone "one" waiting for you - is unified humanity - repurpose lyrics away from romance, thoguhout this opera, to Public Dream. Or think of Joyce and his network of references as the new MonoMyth waiting for you. Mono One.
3,785,640 views Jun 21, 2009
Talk about your problems, crying sin - Romans 11:32 we are Sin Boldly here www.Romans1132.com
Lenka - Trouble Is A Friend (YouTube Version)
102,683,952 views Oct 25, 2009
Very significant video to my December 2009 prediction from Southern Cross / Down Under singer (2 tracks back, CSNY) of Arab Spring / start of this FinWakeIndraNet project.
Romans 11:32 is a friend of mine.
Understanding Finnegans wake is trouble - and that trouble is a friend of mine, apply it to these songs and their arrangement.
Campbell, age 81: "That is the biological ground. But then certain things can happen that make it repulsive or difficult or frightening or sinful to do some of the things that one is impelled to do, and that is when we begin to have our most troublesome psychological problems. Myths primarily are for fundamental instruction in these matters. Our society today is not giving us adequate mythic instruction of this kind, and so young people are finding it difficult to get their act together. I have a theory that, if you can find out where a person is blocked, it should be possible to find a mythological counterpart for that particular threshold problem."
Campbell, age 81: "Eternal is beyond time. The concept of time shuts out eternity. It is over the ground of that deep experience of eternity that all of these temporal pains and troubles come and go."
Lenka - Everything At Once
Same artist, but newer work, more experience of the road ahead of us all on this shit of fools/WakeOpera/Finnegans Wake iteration.
61,718,667 views Feb 10, 2014
Still on far side of Southern Cross, down under.
Aimee Mann - Save Me
Watch the whole movie if you can, please.
594,415 views Jul 16, 2009
Superego records (her own publisher) of artist great name / metaphor of media ecology.
"freaks who could never love anyone" - theme of saving everyone, who we dismiss, turn away from.
Save me from The Fall, save Tim from fall.
Bar scenes, we are in public house drinking, dreaming the Public Dream of HCE, Joyce, world-wide MonMyth. Drink! wake/funeral.
"like peter man or superman" - MonoMyth elements, OpCodes.