03:14:21 03:22:17 Faith in Trickle Down
Edward Bernays is all about "Trickle down Memes" and messages from power and wealth leaders.
Trkle down memes by the powerful leaders. Trickle down Bible pages / verses.
Language translation to common language, not Latin
Luther's new interpretation of Romans 1:17 - Just by faith
James Joyce's reformation is to focus on Romans 11:32 - that God himself will have mercy on ALL. There is no Hell!
Martin Luther translated The Bible out of language only the clergy would read slectively to audiences of the media at specially decorated venues... into common language. Just as Joyce is trying to reform and translate entire Pale Blue Dot of world mythology into Thunder experiences of the real world emotions to real-world events.
"I confess that I do not see what good it does to fulminate against the English tyranny while the Roman tyranny occupies the palace of the soul." - James Joyce "Ireland, Island of Saints and Sages," lecture, Università Popolare, Trieste (27 April 1907)
The Four Masters of Suspicion
2,345 views Jul 13, 2019
modern faith (paul ricoeur)
Rick Roderick, 1993
Childhood's end
"the fight against the god of men"
The Last Dinner Party - Sinner (Live Performance)
Romans 11:32 abounds
Album title "Prelude to Ecstasy" - similar metaphor to Steely Dan "Countdown to Ecstasy"
"Stay through the night" - Finnegans Wake themes of night hours
"Time slips away"
"Crystal stream" - "cleanse my soul" - Fleetwood Mac Dreams - you will know when clean
Yes, re-purpose song to not just be romance, but Public Dream deeper of Finnegans Wake / Mythology / MonoMyth
791,893 views Jun 29, 2023
Day of this added to playlist is the day the record was published, February 2, 2024.
Climbing the Tower of Babel to the metaphor of Eden in your mind, inward climb.... Campbell: "But the goal of your quest for knowledge of yourself is to be found at that burning point in yourself, that becoming thing in yourself, which is innocent of the goods and evils of the world as already become, and therefore desireless and fearless. "
Of course, this song celebrates desire. And that's a pardox of Romans 11:32 ... Campbell: I was rereading St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans and came across a curious sentence that seemed to epitomize everything Joyce had had in mind in Finnegans Wake. St. Paul had written, "For God has consigned all men to disobedience, that he may show his mercy to all."
The Inner Reaches of Outer Space
1986 book by Joseph Campbell
Inner Reaches of Outer Space
Different song?
Released on: 2008-01-01