02:55:00 to 03:00:00 tonight
January 29, 2024
The Best Of Times - Ice Bucket Band Cover (Styx)(FB LIVE Feb. 8)
54,122 views Feb 9, 2021
Patch Adams: How many fingers
31,087 views Sep 20, 2016
Hunters & Collectors - Do You See What I See? (Official Video)
88,085 views May 1, 2013
"memories twisted around"
Do You Hear What I Hear - Whitney Houston (Live from The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson)
358,415 views Dec 10, 2020 THE BURBANK STUDIOS
On December 11, 1990, Whitney Houston appeared on "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson"
Terence McKenna Reads From Finnegans Wake
5,265 views Mar 18, 2021
John Mayer - Say (Official HD Video)
11,634,235 views May 4, 2018
Sara Bareilles - Brave | Cover by One Voice Children's Choir
"or a drug"
3,384,081 views Premiered Jul 25, 2020
Bloomsday Readings and Songs 2020
4,508 views Jun 16, 2020
Bloomsday reading
34 views Jun 17, 2018
Luck of the Irish St Paddy's Pub Crawl Highlight Reel
1,827 views Mar 25, 2020
March 25 is consummation of Mary for Jesus birthday
101 views Mar 16, 2013
World's Largest Potluck Party | Afterfilm
221 views Feb 3, 2017
James Joyce's city of choice - Trieste
15,153 views Sep 15, 2010
Joseph Campbell--Mythology of the Trickster
366,134 views Oct 12, 2010
“I am in double trouble, mental and material” – James Joyce calls for help in private letter
845 views Premiered Oct 13, 2022
Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) - What's the Buzz Scene (2/10) | Movieclips
180,852 views May 11, 2021
Ana Soklič & Big Band RTV Slovenija - Jack of Speed -Steely Dan (SiTi Theatre)
73,733 views May 20, 2016
Joycean Cartographies: Navigating a New Century of “Ulysses”- "Language of Flowers" Guided Walk
407 views Mar 7, 2022
How to do Walking Meditation with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
188,967 views Nov 1, 2021
Inside Russia's propaganda machine
55,091 views Jul 11, 2017
Brain Damage / Eclipse (Pink Floyd Cover)
6,865 views Jan 29, 2024
Chris Avantgarde - Inside (ft. Red Rosamond)
Campbell: "That's not what the hero's journey is about. It's not to deny reason. To the contrary, by overcoming the dark passions, the hero symbolizes our ability to control the irrational savage within us."
1,101,122 views Aug 2, 2020
Did This Government Radio Tower Spy On You?
"the republic of Ireland"
5,399 views Jan 29, 2024
July 1999
Marshall McLuhan 1966 First and full lecture for the Young Mens Hebrew Association in New York
"The Road to Finnegans Wake"
Recording date: May 7, 1966
Role of the artist
Accumulation in blood-banks of art...
Regina Spektor - All the Rowboats (Rock Cover by Kiese)
3,328 views Apr 27, 2017
Japanese Tempura Isn’t Japanese
456,337 views Feb 16, 2018
year 1543
year 1639
Portuguese Food is Hiding Everywhere
558,192 views May 3, 2023
Holofractal impromptu #11: on fragments of the Finnegans Wake - 2009
Improvisation conceived by Eufrasio Prates, with the participation of Alex Sales (music), Stevan Correa (voice), Caio Lins, Carol Rocha and Luara Learth (body expression) based on some fragments and scenes from James Joyce's Finnegans Wake, as follows in portuguese:
A queda e ressurreição de Tim Finnegan (p. 3-5) Finnegan, ajudante de pedreiro, tropeça na escada, bêbado de whisky, racha o crânio e morre. Sua queda representa as quedas dos impérios, do gigante Finn MacCool, do anjo Lúcifer, de Humpty Dumpty. No velório, sua mulher prepara comida e serve bebida aos amigos de Tim. O velório (wake) vira uma festa, tocam música, cantam e alguém derruba whisky sobre o cadáver. O poder mágico do whisky (termo q se traduz por "água da vida") revive Tim, que se levanta e entra na festa de sua própria ressurreição. As culpas de HCE e o falatório em Dublin HCE e a Culpa Pública (p. 5-10) Mr. Porter, um homem comum da Dublin do séc. XX, sonha que é HCE, taberneiro respeitável de uma época desconhecida. Já acima dos 50 anos, ele remói uma culpa privada: seu tesão pela jovem filha Issy (Isolda de Tristão, Isis de Osíris, Isabelle Porter) que o lembra da mãe, Anna Lívia Plurabelle (Mrs. Porter) quando jovem. Esse tesão o leva à espiar (peep) 2 damas da noite em Dublin, no Parque Phoenix (mito da Fênix). Elas tentam seduzi-lo. Meio bêbado, ele não sabe se desnudou-se ou não frente a elas, mas sente-se culpado. Talvez tenha até se masturbado. 3 soldados bêbados testemunham a cena, tornando o ato potencialmente público. O boato se espalha (p. 35-47, 196-204, 206-207, 214-216) À meia-noite, tempos depois no mesmo Parque, HCE se encontra com um velho aldeão dublinense fumando cachimbo. Este lhe pergunta as horas e HCE lhe responde com uma complexa argumentação de autodefesa sobre a história das damas da noite (p. 36). O aldeão cisma com a história e comenta com sua esposa o episódio. A beata corre a contar a história ao pároco, que a compartilha com um amigo nas corridas. 3 transeuntes escutam a história e a transformam na Balada de Persse O'Reilly (p. 44), que se espalha pela cidade como um vírus. O boato propalado num jornal de hospital por 3 dias seguidos chega finalmente na boca de duas lavadeiras, à beira do Rio Liffey (p. 196, 202). Elas vão se afastando e se desentendendo até que uma delas vira um olmo e a outra uma pedra (p. 214-16). ALP se banha e se prepara eroticamente para HCE e para o leitor (p. 206-7), evocando o princípio feminino que vai além de todas as coisas vis e mundanas. HCE e a Culpa Privada (p. 561-566) O corcunda (hunchback, Humphrey Chimpden Earwick) não se vê velho e por isso se encanta com a bela versão de ALP em Issy. Em seus sonhos, não pode evitar a associação entre elas. Uma transa entre HCE e ALP é cinematograficamente narrada sob 4 perspectivas, a primeira na p. 559. Amada pelo pai e pelo irmão Shaun-Shem (reunidos), cercada de "gemidos libidinais que incendeiam as trevas", Issy permanece só (p. 561-2). A guerra fratricida (p. 184-186, 189-193, 276-279, 306-308) Os filhos de HCE e ALP encarnam os princípios que se opõem: Shem, o escriba-poeta, e Shaun, o carteiro-político. Shem aparece na p. 184 "escrevendo o mimstério de sivendo" (writing the mystery of himsel), isto é, o mistério auto-mimético de se ver escrevendo o Finnegans Wake, representando o próprio Joyce. O símbolo de Shem é o do alquimista, do artista que plasma e tem por organizar os dejetos que se amontoam nas vidas privadas. É o ser da sombra, ébrio, fora da lei, um vexame, hipnocondríaco, um enigma do universo. Na p. 189-193, é descrito o primogênito Shaun, o sensato, administrador funcionário, fiel e sábio mensageiro da luz, acusado pelo irmão de farejador de carniça, interesseiro, malignata na luxúria. Sua reconciliação só se pode dar no peito do pai (que cai e renasce), com a ajuda da mãe, que é o rio da vida (riverrun, past Eve and Adam's ...). O texto completo, comentado, pode ser lido online em
847 views Dec 9, 2009
Holofractal impromptu #11: on fragments of the Finnegans Wake - Sunday excerpts
2,774 views • Dec 17, 2009
Excerpts from Sunday, Dec/05/2009, version of the performance, conceived by Eufrasio Prates with the participation of Alex Sales (music), Stevan Correa (voice), Caio Lins, Carol Rocha and Luara Learth (body expression), based on some fragments and scenes from James Joyce's Finnegans Wake, as follows in portuguese:
Marshall McLuhan 1966 - Children of the Future
18,942 views May 28, 2016
6 minutes 25 second, quotes Robert Oppenheimer
"Winter Plant" TV program for children
"Danced Squared"
49 minutes "low resolution use of the visual"
"romanticizing the primitive" of childhood.
"Battle for the sky"
Kid depicted SpaceX Falcon 9 landing in 1966
The war of 1812 Fort York
Nathan Filer talks about schizophrenia
1,251 views Dec 12, 2019
John Weir Perry - The Cosmic Axis of Schizophrenia
2,675 views Apr 8, 2020
"Joyce could see no advantage in our remaining locked up in each cultural cycle as in a trance or dream. He discovered the means of living simultaneously in all cultural modes while quite conscious. The means he cites for such self-awareness and correction of cultural bias is his "collideorscope". This term indicates the interplay in colloidal mixture of all components of human technology as they extend our senses and shift their ratios in the social kaleidoscope of cultural clash: "deor", savage, the oral or sacral; "scope" the visual or profane and civilized." - Marshall McLuhan
Terence McKenna: "I Consider Myself Schizophrenic"
2,190 views Aug 16, 2020
"you drive other people crazy"
"process schizophrenia"
Vladimir Putin as innocent victim — Russian media's alternative reality in Ukraine
63,693 views Feb 25, 2022
The Menace of Unreality: Combatting Russian Disinformation in the 21st Century
11,177 views Nov 3, 2014
30 October 2014: Hosted in cooperation with the Atlantic Council and the US Department of State
this is the FIRST Ukraine war, 2014
The 2010 Arab Spring was a key build up: https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/commentary/2018/02/17/commentary-russian-general-plots-our-cyber-downfall/
"it wasn't about proving anything" it was about "confusion as a tactic"
"active measures" "planting various false stories in western media"
"CIA responsible for AIDS virus"
"USA responsible for Ebola Virus" in November 3, 2014 - pre December 2019 pandemic. See also: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45294192
"war on idea of truth" "destroy our faith in any sort of media" "destroy possibility of debate"
"the field for establishing truth becomes hampered"
"asymmetric war"
14 minutes in video, money. But only topics of money get attention from audience. Truth itself isn't a concern to audiences, only if it's money headlines.
How 'PIANOGATE' Was Reported In The Far East
560,081 views Premiered Jan 28, 2024
Stephen Wolfram FINALLY Proved the Second Law of Thermodynamics?!
3 minutes in, language of ChatGPT LLM
113,742 views Jan 19, 2024
Why does ChatGPT work?
"Human language is not as complicated as we thought - we kind of should have known" - Finnegans Wake knew!
Comparisons... "When I first met Wolfram in 1984, he insouciantly dissed his parents' careers. "I've never read [my father's] novels.... They get good reviews, but they don't sell terribly many copies," he told me. Ironically, A New Kind of Science is not just a scientific excursion but also a literary excursion. Like James Joyce, Wolfram believes his ideal reader is one who will devote a lifetime to reading his book, and like Joyce the novelist, Stephen Wolfram (a novelist's son) has produced an encyclopedic world." - https://www.wired.com/2002/06/wolfram/
We choose disinformation. We choose it, popularity
Selfish ignorant people vote for such leaders and junk information
"The public sucks"
47,323 views Aug 17, 2012
GIGO - Stands for "Garbage In, Garbage Out."
Vicki Mahaffey Interview: James Joyce's Finnegans Wake for Beginners #3
1,166 views Jun 1, 2021
"it never gets boring"
"more emotionally rewarding, the longer I do it"
Irish literature "largely focused on comedy"
"Joyce and authority"
"lose your arrogance" with Joyce
"I don't think it's unreasonable" for everyone to read Finnegans Wake
"attention spans are gong down"
"if you don't get anxious" "it is like intravenous creativity" "you do become more creative just by virtue of engaging with it"
"it is kind of addressed to the unconscious mind" - www.LazyWake.com
"joseph campbell" read it by himself, time consuming way to do it
"design to be a book that you cannot really read with maximal pleasure and comprehension in isolation. "designed to be read communally"
"Finnegans Wake is not a masturbatory experience"
"you shouldn't search" for characters. "it's not that kind of book"
Understanding Finnegans Wake - plot summary recommended
"put the language through a prism"
Semitic languages read backwards in FInnegans Wake
"your enjoyment increases", "your openness increases"
"like being under a night sky full of stars" - "the darkness is the primary experience" "truth of what i know in general"
"Finnegans wake is supposed to be a dram, it kind of is a dream in a way, a dream of global cooperation, that's been largely unrealized"
"during the rise of the Nazi Third Reich"
"little fireworks in the night" - really the LSD type of experience
HCE is 3 characters.
"they are also numbers. HCE is a 1 in a decimal system, ALP is a zero". RoundSparrow's 2023 Reddit username is "BitOneZero" for WWWOpera
The New Science - long read
what you know - build upon that
"Joyce's book are not one-night stands", "different points in your life" - Campbell, age 81: "A fairy tale is the child's myth. There are proper myths for proper times of life. As you grow older, you need a sturdier mythology.."
Entropy fan
Romans 11:32 in desire
4,879,971 views Sep 29, 2009
Here is your Opera humor, sarcasm as deep as it gets ;) More Steely Dan?
"amused to death" being described to the audience. Roger Waters even talks about racing cars in his 1993 song.
"fuck Pakistan, too far away to have fun" - exactly how people behave in media addiction.
Chemical additives.
“The artist, the enema of society, points out things that many people would prefer not to notice.” — Marshall McLuhan
"we haven't learned to care for one another"
Where are you throwing me?
5,332 views Sep 17, 2020
The Best Of Times - Styx ( PNP COMBO cover )
Repeat from early track
476 views Mar 4, 2022
Finnegans Wake written in lead up to a Second World War....
“World War III is a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation.” – Marshall McLuhan (1970), Culture is Our Business, p. 66.
Enjoy the distortion, it's like language accents / sore throats / young or old.
Styx - The Best Of Times (Official Video)
Honey, the You and I is you in the audience of this Opera.... Stay with you here, tonight
All the others reaching out on social media..... Finnegans Wake is a Rally Call, Take up Intellectual Arms aainst Ignornace
CAMPBELL: One thing that comes out in myths, for example, is that at the bottom of the abyss comes the voice of salvation. The black moment is the moment when the real message of transformation is going to come. At the darkest moment comes the light. MOYERS: Like Roethke's poem, "In a Dark Time, the Eye Begins to See." You're saying that myths have brought this consciousness to you. CAMPBELL: I live with these myths, and they tell me this all the time. This is the problem that can be metaphorically understood as identifying with the Christ in you. The Christ in you doesn't die. The Christ in you survives death and resurrects. Or you can identify that with Shiva. I am Shiva -- this is the great meditation of the yogis in the Himalayas. MOYERS: And heaven, that desired goal of most people, is within us. CAMPBELL: Heaven and hell are within us, and all the gods are within us. This is the great realization of the Upanishads of India in the ninth century B.C. All the gods, all the heavens, all the worlds, are within us. They are magnified dreams, and dreams are manifestations in image form of the energies of the body in conflict with each other. That is what myth is. Myth is a manifestation in symbolic images, in metaphorical images, of the energies of the organs of the body in conflict with each other. This organ wants this, that organ wants that. The brain is one of the organs.
The headlines read, these are the worst of times I do believe it's true.... I feel so helpless like a boat against the tide
Bring back paradise....
Invert the world!
James Joyce Quotes #63: History, Stephen said, is a nightmare...
is it better at the tower of babel top? Ask Tim
Rainy Day Woman - #12 & 35 - Bob Dylan Cover
He has gone on record, it isn't drugs, but yha, people are always going to have multi-meaning, this is Finnegans Wake...
The Martyrdom of Stephen - How The First Christians Suffered and Died for Faith
Stephen knew Romans 11:32 - he knew God would forgive them for their sin
Stephen knew Romans 11:32 allowed him to speak for his own views of Jesus / his own interpretation
53,344 views Premiered Jul 16, 2022
http://gnosis.org/library/revstev.htm - I view this as a metaphor of leveling mountains of leveling mythology systems - like Joyce is doing in all his works. I recommend reading his page.
A lot of the point I see Joyce making is just how difficult the stories are to follow and understand in Torah, Bible, Quran, etc. And we have a blind faith that doesn't translate across time to inward understanding.
NOTE to Self: is this track really too long? Is this extra context ... ?
Stephen Speech and Death
Is this better?
Worth watching both to get an idea of how different students learn these stories?
51,381 views Jun 15, 2013
8 minutes 20 seconds, stiff necked people, uncircumcised ears - very relevant to Joyce's use of language
you have to do sometthing to your ears... Campbell, age 81: MOYERS: But is art the only way one can achieve this illumination? CAMPBELL: Art and religion are the two recommended ways. I don't think you get it through sheer academic philosophy, which gets all tangled up in concepts. But just living with one's heart open to others in compassion is a way wide open to all. MOYERS: So the experience of illumination is available to anyone, not just saints or artists. But if it is potentially in every one of us, deep in that unlocked memory box, how do you unlock it? CAMPBELL: You unlock it by getting somebody to help you unlock it. Do you have a dear friend or good teacher? It may come from an actual human being, or from an experience like an automobile accident, or from an illuminating book. In my own life, mostly it comes from books, though I have had a long series of magnificent teachers.