03:42:17 to 04:09:11 Phase shift
Wednesday, February 7, 2024 hints and allegations notes started
Kubrick's Books - The Adaptations of Stanley Kubrick
3 hours 10 minutes - Dream within a Dream - Public Dream of Finnegans Wake
"Fuck" is the final word, hopeful ending
Pink Floyd shirt - cross track reference of WakeOpera
1,095,007 views Jul 14, 2023
Adaptation themes, Finnegans Wake
Media Ecology - media generations of the order of films
Terry Riley - A Rainbow in Curved Air (1967) [FULL ALBUM]
14,273 views Nov 14, 2019
Eagles - Take It To The Limit (Live 1977) (Official Video) [4K]
17,520 views Feb 7, 2024
Rolling release, today publication, but I've known this song since age 10.
"The dreams I've seen lately" = we are Expanding MonoMyth
"Put me on a highway and show me a sign" - since Thanksgiving 1999, RooundSparrow has RVe'd all over USA highways
"you can spend all your love making time"
"If all fell to pieces tomorrow" - collapse of the MonoMyth patterns, and another iteration
"When you are looking for your freedom, NOBODY seems to care, and you can't find the door" - we are off phase, lost
"Nothing to believe in" - audience individual of this WakeOpera - lost faith here in this very dark playlist interactive fiction choice path
"take it to the limit, one more time", start rebooting, do Finnegans Wake, oveer, restart the Fin Wake Imdra Net adventure if you are not getting your mind into Expanding MonoMyth
4K remastred
Live from the Capital Centre in Landover, Maryland in 1977 - 2018 RoundSparrow went to D.C. for an entire Facebook series on "Showbiz kids", Washington Zoo. Cross-track refrence.
"thank you" at end - symbolic from RoundSparrow
"will be available on April 12, as a 3CD set, a deluxe 6LP set on 180-gram vinyl" -- ToDo: cross-playlist sync datewise, medium production media ecology topics
All Tour Shows shown by YouTube are at 7:30pm local time, even across pond in UK and in Canada
The Anderson Tapes (ft. Sean Connery & Christopher Walken) | Full Movie | CineClips
i am still debating if I leave this track in playlist, move elsewhere, etc.
Media ecology themes. I like the advertising rant at start before he leaves prison.
109,550 views Feb 6, 2024
ToDo: add track from McLuhan 1977 about surveillance / watching each other
Download and slice this video down to create montage myself, since it seems YouTube allows upload of it?
Ebert: "The only serious structural flaw in the movie involves the emphasis on electronic surveillance. The original novel, as you probably know, was supposedly based on transcriptions from various public and private spies. That was a literary device, and too cute even for a bestseller. In the movie, it's dead weight. We have to eavesdrop with too many private eyes and look over the shoulders of too many FBI agents, to no particular avail. Perhaps Lumet was simply too ambitious in trying to work anti-bugging sentiment into the film. If he'd thrown out all the hidden mikes" - I disagree. From February 2024 perpsective, Edward Snowden.... Ebert was wrong. And again, McLuhan about surveillance. - This isn't just USA. Yuu think Russia and Iran don't survel, China survel their own people?
Marshall McLuhan - Predicting Social Media in 1967
Perfect, next track
"poking nose into everybody else's affairs"
30,442 views Dec 14, 2018
significant upload date
Racial / skin color specific hosting channel - "Reelblack's mission is to educate, entertain, enlighten and empower people through Black film. Since 2007, we have been capturing the New Black Film Revolution "
Marshall McLuhan 1966 - Predicting the Internet with Robert Fulford
43,157 views Jun 7, 2016
Lots of quotes here
"what happens when these things go out on the highway"
"what happens when these kind of programs get on the air"
much more
"almost oriental" - Campbell cross-reference
"went to college but not for knowledge"
advertisements "about things they already own"
"ad will become substitution for the product" - Rick Roderick 1993, "Self under Siege" - final track - cross-reference
Xerox common language in 1966, surprises me, I thought early 1970's
"as long as people will leave it alone for a while"
"understand everything that's gong on" - "frustrate them as much as you can"
"determined to understand what is happening" - RoundSparrow on Peter P - Surkov...!
Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog Sub Ita
"as a voice, we all have a choice" - Steely Dan, Live in America image cross-reference
We are out of phase on this playlist, we even half cross an hour line, in the far from shallows deepest depths
Highly recommend this opera, memorize it if your brain works that way (my autism brain does not)
ita - Finnegans Wake Babel language themes
416,326 views Sep 28, 2019
repeating: "We all have a choice" - supporting Trump/Putin/Rupert Murdoch / Show Biz Kids - horrible. https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/donald-trump-kim-jong-un-second-world-war-94-years-old-harry-leslie-smith-nuclear-warning-a7932276.html
"now the nightmare is real" - out of phase, negative playlist, Hell metaphor, Finnegans Wake night hours....
Marshall McLuhan: The World is Show Business
"I've read Finnegans Wake out loud" - Lazy Man's wake. www.LazyWake.com
Repeat track, different uploaders
29,277 views Apr 27, 2010
Key date, Arab Spring formation for RoundSparrow on Facebook
"out of the main swim, as it were" - avoids using "stream"
"dreadful happening"
"Marshall McLuhan is taken far too serious" - Romans 11:32
"Global village idiots"
Kurt Godel: The World's Most Incredible Mind (Part 1 of 3)
308,827 views Oct 17, 2011
Why It Was Almost Impossible to Make the Blue LED
In Understanding Media, Marshall McLuhan stated “a light bulb creates an environment by its mere presence.”, page 8.
Rolling Release, Steely Dan "Deacon Blues", Steely Dan "Heavy Rollers" tour cross-references, "Blues Beach".
Morgan Freeman "Blues" cross-reference tracks
1,639,925 views Feb 8, 2024
Finnegans Wake class 1 lecture by John David Ebert
Almost all Finnegans Wake mentions 1938 publication date, overlooking the serial publication that started in 1928. This WakeOpera constantly emphasizes the REJECTION by the audience, shutting down of printing press, at how much HATE there was for Finnegans Wake.
672 views Feb 5, 2024
Finnegans Wake First Half by John David Ebert
Inversion, back to announce of previous track
350 views Jan 28, 2024
"greatest novel of 20th century"
"he did not study mythology"
"You can not understand this book if you don't understand myth" - in other words, Bible, Torah, Quran, Upanishads, Indra's Net, etc.
Hypermodernity and the End of the World Part 1 by John David Ebert
3,712 views Aug 19, 2022